About Us
Ibera Consulting‘s beginnings trace back to 2007 in New Zealand. Formerly known as Tessel Solutions, it began as a strategy practice focusing on physical assets’ life cycle analysis and versatility to present infographics informing facility managers how to best locate and utilise the “right tool for the job, for the right investment“.
Ibera Consulting now specialises in change management and digital transformation and provides associated consulting, coaching and training services to businesses and management seeking sustained, well-proven methods to grow their business via innovative change.

Hisham Ibrahim
Principal | BE (Electrical, Hons), MEMGT (Hons) , MBA
Qualified electrical engineer, project manager and management consultant with 17 years’ of operational, design
and implementation experience. Worked with multiple industries and provided business development, project analyses, management, change and digital transformation services to clients in Australasia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
Awarded first in class (Term 3, 2019) for New Enterprise Management at Macquarie University.
2007: Bachelor of Electrical & Electronic Engineer (Honours) – The University of Auckland, New Zealand
2011: Master of Engineering Management (Honours) – The University of Auckland, New Zealand
2020: Master of Business Administration – Macquarie University, Sydney Australia